Bee-Balm Hand Repair is the first of
the product line. It’s thick, so use the BACK
of your thumbnail to scrape it up. Use a mound about
the size of your thumbnail. Spread and rub Bee-Balm into the
palms and backs of warm dry hands until it is worked into
the skin. Bee-Balm also helps to
keep cuticles pliable and looking good!
Two good reasons to use Bee-Balm Hand Repair
Use Hand Repair to protect your hands, or on dry, cracked hands caused by:
- Automotive repair
- Casino dealing
- Construction
- Dish washing
- Dry climates
- Gardening/Landscaping
- Logging
- Mountaineering
- Rock/Ice Climbing
- Water sports
- Welding
- Wet climates